vrijdag 18 juni 2010

The Final Countdown

I can remember thinking about how time was flying, five months before I’d leave. I was already busy thinking what kind of stuff I still had to do, which people I had to say goodbye to and how I was going to do so. Today it’s only one month (maybe even less, depends on whether I will leave on the 17th or 18th) before I will leave and not so much has happened yet, and I’m really starting to worry. So much stuff to do!

Today, I finished my very last day on my current school. We had a test week, which means no lessons, but two tests today. Today I had my last two tests, chemistry and English, and I’m so extremely happy that I don’t have to worry about school and marks and stuff like that anymore for over two months. It was about time!
I still don’t have a permanent host family, but I must say that it doesn’t really stress me out or something. I have my arrival family, I’ve talked to them a few days ago again, and they’re such nice people that there is no need to worry. If they don’t find a family on time, I will stay with them for a while, and, for me, that’s no problem at all!

The past two months I’ve met many new High School Year students. Not only on the orientation meeting that I had last Saturday, but also on Facebook. I didn’t know there were so many people who were going to do the same as I am. I’m glad I signed up for camp, because I probably also get to meet many of them!

Things are going so extremely fast right now, it actually freaks me out. I can’t believe I’m really going.. Next Monday I will go to Dublin with my class and one other class. This should have happened almost two months or so ago, but then there was a gigantic cloud of volcanic ashes that ruined it. I can’t wait to go, it will be a great trip. When I come back I have a week off, then I will go to Paris for a week, then I have a free week again and then I will be leaving.. I CAN’T WAIT!

The last thing that I wanted to tell you is that I made a YouTube account (I actually already had one but that one was stupid), on which I am going to post videos (isn’t that what you’re supposed to do with a YouTube account?) of things that I would like to show you. Just a short impression of what my life in America will be like, because I think that some people might want to know how I’m doing over there, and I think it would be something nice to have together with this weblog . I’ve already posted two videos (I couldn’t wait, sorry), I will post some more the coming weeks, and in America I will really try to keep it up!

Here’s the link to my YouTube account, for those who are interested : http://www.youtube.com/user/CilleUSA