dinsdag 21 september 2010

I'm still alive!

So it's almost been a month since my last post.. I remembered saying someting about telling you something about my first day of American high school? Will the first few weeks work as well?

I'm really sorry, but I've had so much stuff to do the last weeks I din't even think about blogging. But no worries, I didn't quite understand the lockers at first but I didn't lock myself up, and the Pirates walking around school are all very nice and friendly.. It's been going AWESOME!
When I walked in school I was shaking and so afraid that I would get lost or something, but everything went well. American High school is so much better than school in the Netherlands! We get grades for doing our homework, the stuff they make us learn is not too hard and the teachers are great. After a few days I changed my Art 1 class into Drawing, because it's a more advanced class and people told me that there would be at least a few people in there who actually LIKED it and not just took the class because they wouldn't get homework, which works better for me. I also changed my ALGEBRA class into SPANISH. Yep, I'm serious! No math for me this year! No doubt this will be the best year of my life, hah!
All my other classes are amazing. I'm having a great time in choir and orchestra. Geoscience is amazing, Spanis is amazing, creative writing is awesome (except they're making us read a book now.. but I'll have to get over it to prepare for the IB program I will be following for the next 3 years anyway) and US history is so much fun too.. I honestly can't believe how American teenagers are constantly complaining about their life in High school.

Soccer is going good! Well, practice is. I kind of made the varsity team which is great, but we're not doing too good on our games. However, we are really improving and I'm having a blast. I mean come on, leaving school early to drive up to Las Vegas in a yellow school bus to play a soccer game? I freaking don't even care about the score anymore!

A while ago I went camping in Utah with Richard, Jackie, Robert, Austin, Sarah and Caro. We drove to St George on this amazing road which was blown out of a mountain many many years ago, it was so pretty! We got up to the mountain in Utah and there were trees! Was very nice to see because we don't have many of them here in Nevada!
We slept in tents for two night and it was freeeeezing, but I had a blast. We went hiking, were only a few inches away from Zion's national park so it was beautiful over there.. We had a campfire, ate smores (=American calorie bombs but really good!) and did a lot of other stuff. My favorite retarde chihuahua Taco was with us to so I had a blast!

Then there was the EF orientation meeting just a few days ago! We got to miss 2 days of school and drove up to Mount Charleston, a high mountain just half an hour outside of Vegas. It's crazy how the landscape changes so fast here, because I swear, when you're in Vegas you have the feeling you're right in the middle of the desert, but Mount Charleston was cold and densely vegetated! Is that a word?
We came together with all the exchange students in southern Nevada and had orientation meetings, a campfire, a dance and a lot of free time. I met a lot of people, got to see some people from Language&culture camp again and had a great time. Can't wait for the next EF meeting!

Thennnn I've got some great news for you guys! Well.. actually for me. I WILL BE CELEBRATING MY 16TH BIRTHDAY IN SAN FRANCISCO! CALIFORNIAAAA! Well, I'm not really celebrating it there but I'm going only 3 days after my birthday.. I'm so excited!

And homecoming is coming up.. I'm getting nervous but really excited! A new real American experience!

Life is great.

I know that I haven't had a lot of contact with many family and friends back home.. I still love you though! I promise it will get better.. I'm working on it!
Gotta go back to homework now. Don't think I'm on a vacation here! I'm actually learning a lot :)

I'll keep you updated! My next post is probably about how christmas was.. But we'll see!