vrijdag 11 februari 2011

Track & Field

After soccer season was over and I didn't make the basketball team, I decided I was done for a little while. Done with 2 hours of practice every single day, done with always having to watch what I'd eat, drink, or did, and done with the competitiveness of America. Using other words; I was lazy. And oh, I've been lazy. For about three months I have been sitting on my but and last week I finally got off!

In a few weeks, the last sport season is about to start. The basketball teams and wrestlers are playing their last games/matches and conditioning for softball, baseball, and track&field have started. For a little while I've been wanting to try out for softball and I was planning on going to the conditioning to check out if I would like it. Then, however, I started thinking about how I used to play softball/baseball in P.E. pretty much every other week and how I didn't like it at ALL. Also, I remembered that I sucked at it big time. I figured the only reason that I wanted to try out for softball was to be part of a team, but all the track people claimed that track was as much as a team and that the meetings were so much fun.. And since I really, really need to get in shape before I go home, I decided just to do track.

So there I was last wednesday, on the track of our High School. I wasn't very excited at first, to be honest. Of all the things you could possibly do in track, I decided to run. Basically because.. do you see me high jumping or throwing something heavy? Nope. So there we went, we started running. After two warm-up laps we left the track and ran in the desert, where we ran up and down a hill on a sand path with annoying obnoxious rocks. The American kids did great. The exchangers? Not so. After practice, everything hurt, and when I woke up everything was even worse. Yesterday (thursday), I went again and now I hurt even more. The only thing that keeps me going is the memory of the beginning of soccer season. That hurt even more. So coming weekend I will (hopefully) work out to get ready for conditioning next Tuesday again, because I really want to do this. And I better get used to it before the temperature outside will rise to 45 or 50 degrees celcius again. 'Cause believe me, that doesn't make running any easier. Neither does the fact that I was really never made to be an athlete.. Thanks mom & dad. BUT I WILL KEEP ON FIGHTINNNNN! Go team.

1 opmerking:

  1. Your english has gotten amazing! I'm so proud of you :) I was going to go out for track, but I remembered I'm lazy and want some time off after doing cheerleading.. I miss you :)
    Have fun!
