donderdag 21 oktober 2010

Homecoming - monday to thursday

I seem to start to get the hang of blogging - waiting for months doesn't do you any good. And you know what, I actually enjoy writing a lot.. So here I go. Keep checking my blog out, because from now on I will actually use it!

I'm still in the middle of homecoming week, and it's just amazing. Every school day we have a dress-up day. Monday was Science fiction day, tuesday was ESPN day, wednesday was Disney day, today (thursday) was black&white and tomorrow will be extreme blue and gold. Most of you that know me good enough know that I'm not the kind of person to dress up to school, so as boring as I am, I didn't. However, Homecoming has a whole lot more to offer!
Every day there is an after-school activity. On monday there was signpainting. I
didn't go, because I had powderpuff practice. On tuesday, there was the powderpuff game! Powderpuff football is American football for girls. We all had to ask a football player for his jersey and play.. hard haha. It was amazing. The freshmen and seniors played the sophomores and juniors, which was my team. We lost by 12-8 or something, but I had a lot of fun. And I didn't really care anyway, because that day my soccer team had beat Adelson High by 9-1, a game in which I finally made 2 goals! So I had an amazing day after all. Thanks Nathan for your jersey!
Wednesday there was the movie on the field. At least, it was supposed to be on the field. We never get rain here, except for on moments when we really don't want it (although people here are happy with rain at any time it seems), so yeah, it was raining. No movie on the field! It was in the cafeteria instead. The movie was.. Peter Pan.. so kind of boring, but I had a good evening anyway!

And today something that homecoming is best known for back home; the parade! Every grade had made its own float, the cheerleaders and football players had their own firetruck, and some other groups also had a float. The pep band was playing and the dancers were dancing and it was amazing, just like in the movies. After that there was the assembly in the gym, where they announced the Homecoming king and queen, thanked the senior athletes and had some peps by cheer and dance. Once again, amazing! After that there was the bonfire, where they ''burned the eagles''. The eagles are the mascottes of Moapa Valley High School's main rivals; Boulder city, and since the football team is playing Boulder tomorrow, we burned their mascotte?

So as I already said, tomorrow there will be the big homecoming football game and saturday the dance! I am so excited!
I will tell you everything in the weekend :) For now I am going to do my homework and be very proud of myself for finally using my blog.

Lots of love


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