zondag 25 juli 2010

EF Language & Culture camp 2010 week 1

And here it is. The very first message from the States. It's been a week since I got here, but it feels like I've known the people I've met the last couple of days for months. This place is amazing!

Here at Language & Culture camp, I am together with hundreds of other High school students. All with a different destination, but the same goal; having the most amazing year ever and starting that year here at Bryant University in Smithfield, RI. In order for us to leave for our host family with enough confidence, we get a chance to learn more about our host country. That's why we have classes every day. We start off with homeroom, then we have Life in America, then we have U.S. History, after that we have lunch and after lunch we have Current Issues and homeroom again. In total, there are 4 ''schools'', each of them containing 4 classes. I am in class Kennedy West and our homeroom teacher is Stan. He is from Utah. The people in my homeroom are going to Nevada, Utah, Wyoming or Montana. There are actually three other people who will be going to the same school as me! Most of the classes are really interesting. It's crazy that I even have to go to school on Sunday, but I'm sure it will be really useful when I go to my host family. I've gone through all of the rules for so many times it will be hardly possible to make any mistakes.

When we're not having classes, we can choose to do activities. So far, I've been playing American football, volleyball and basketball, but we can also choose to do arts&crafts (I want to try that somewhere this week, but people say it's really boring), drama, swimming, card making, and so on. Besides the activities we can choose to do, there are also many activities that you have to participate in. So far, we have had a karaoke night on Monday, which was a lot of fun. We went to the mall to go shopping, which was nice, we went to a big baseball game (the Pawsox), which was funny, but it took like five hours and we ended up leaving before the game ended, because we had to get back on time, but we did get to see 2 homeruns! On Friday, we went to Boston. It was a-ma-zing! The high buildings, the big cars, the MacDonalds or Starbucks around pretty much every corner, it was clear to see we were in America. We did the skywalk, which was 50 floors high, and after that we just did some shopping and followed the freedom trail. In the last hours it started raining very hard, everybody was soaked and with the air conditioning in the bus it was like a miracle that I didn't get extremely sick, but I had an amazing day. Today I will only have classes, but tomorrow we will go to the 'United Skates of America'. That's going to be fun! haha.

Besides the classes, activities and trips, everything I do is hanging out with friends and sleeping. Of all girls, I have the biggest room. I share my room with 3 other girls, one from Sweden, one from Germany and one from New-Zealand. They are all very nice, I have a lot of fun with them and I'm glad I'm meeting people from so many different countries!

I'm sorry I had to describe one entire week in just a small story, from now on I will try to update this thing a bit more often. I have to leave now, I have to go to my classes.

See you!

P.s. I wanted to post some pictures, but I will have to wait hours for them to upload here so you can watch them on facebook and I'll post some on my blog later!

1 opmerking:

  1. niceynice! Ik wist helemaal niet dat je naar Amerika ging. Superleuk :)

    xx Linda
