donderdag 29 juli 2010

Midnight post

I'm so glad I was being pessimistic about our homeroom's volleyball skills, because we were even worse than I had expected us to be. When I arrived at the big gym, where the tournament was being held, I was a bit late so my homeroom teacher Stan had already made the team. I was one of the substitutes, waiting for our team to get the serve and rotate, but we lost even before I got to play. Too bad, no playing volleyball for me. It was a nice evening though. I can't remember which class won eventually, but after that the returnees played against the teachers. They were probably even more fanatic than the Netherlands was at the world cup final. It helped, because they DID win, but it was funny to see. After the tournament I hung out with some people, but we didn't have much time before it was curfew time again. Talking about curfew. In case you don't know what curfew is - here it's basically the time from which you have to be in your rooms. However - we're still teens - we don't go to our rooms automatically, so every evening around a quarter to eleven, the returnees and teachers walk around campus, yelling 'curfew time!' to everybody who is not in their room yet. When the New-Zealand kids arrived, some guys found this really funny and started imitating the returnees. Whenever one passed them, they started yelling 'alright you guys, it's curfew time! Go to your beds now!'. I must say, it was really funny. It was funny, until everybody found out it was funny and started doing the same thing. Now you know the thing about jokes, after repeating them a few times they're not that funny anymore. People however still don't really seem to realize and won't stop yelling CURFEW around any time a day. It drives the returnees crazy. I feel bad for them, I honestly do.

Today, we started off with class again. I decided that I would skip breakfast so I could sleep longer. It wasn't a wise thing to do, because I ended up being over 10 minutes late for homeroom. I was just on time for our test though, so I got to take it. I did better than 2 weeks ago. I guess that's what it was supposed to be, but still, I'm proud. After class I did some stuff, had dinner and then had my first Skype conversation with my host family! Even though I will meet them in less than two days now, it was really nice to talk to them. I was really nervous, but it was a nice conversation. After that I went to the talent show. People were performing their talents (oh wait, isn't that what a talent show is all about?) ; playing a musical instrument, singing, diaboloing (this is no word, I hope you know what I mean), it was a lot of fun. At the very end, the returnees performed. It was so funny, everybody had so much fun! The boys were dressed like girls and the other way around, and they danced to a mixture of different songs.. These people are crazy. I hope I can be a returnee one day. But let's first focus on my year here!

This will probably be the last post I post from camp. Tomorrow will be my last day here. I don't know my exact flight information yet, but I know that I will arrive in Las Vegas at 10.15 in the morning, so I will have to leave campus somewhere around 2 in the morning or something. Everybody will leave around the same time is what I heard, so there will be no curfew. Tomorrow there will be a yearbook presentation (read; 2-weeks-book presentation) and I believe there will be something like a dance. Looking forward to it, but not looking forward to saying goodbye. It might sound strange, but I've made some pretty good friends here and I know that I will never see many of them ever again, because they're not all from the Netherlands or going to the same state.. But, what my Brazilian friend Luiz taught me yesterday; you have to look at things from the right angle. I shouldn't think about how I have to keep saying goodbye to people, but how I have to be glad to know them now, and how I will meet new people. And I can't wait to meet new people!

To everybody here at Bryant camp, thank you so much! I had the best 2 weeks ever and I will never forget about these weeks. I hope we will keep in touch. Have the best year ever!

I'm going to sleep now, I'm tired and it's late. I have to get up early tomorrow because Camilla and I are doing our laundry before breakfast. We actually wanted to do it a few days ago already but we were too lazy all the time. I knew this was going to happen. Wish me luck. I really don't know how those things work.. haha.

Nevada, prepare. Here I come!

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