woensdag 17 november 2010

Hup Holland Hup

Today is November 17th. 'Tell me something new', you might be thinking, but it means something. I left Amsterdam on July 17th, which means that it exactly 4 months ago! 4 times 3 equals 12, and since I'm going for 11 months, it means that I'm already over a third of my American experience, which kind of scares me. Anyway, enough math for today, because that's not really what I was writing this blog for in the first place.

What I was trying to say, is that I've been here for such a long time, but never even cooked something Dutch before. Caro has made thousands of German things (she's good!), but I always complained about how every typical Dutch recipe included meat.. And I happen to be a vegetarian. Or I would say that I didn't have time, because I had homework to do or soccer practice. I don't know why I tried to keep myself away from it all the time because I used to cook a lot back home, but I got back!

I made a Dutch apple pie today! About a month ago, my parents sent me a Dutch cooking book, which kind of forced me to cook something. However, I didn't trust the recipe because it was not what I used to use in the apple pies I always made back home, so I was kind of lazy with it. Today I decided that it was about time and I started. It took me a while, because I had to convert the grams to cups, fahrenheit to celcius, all-purpose flour to self-rising flour and stuff like that, but I did it!
I put it in the oven at around 4, went to mutual (church activity), and when I came back, it was done. It smelled good haha. So we cut it up, and everybody seemed to like it.. so I guess I'll be doing that more often!

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